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Take Charge is an interactive program to help you manage pain following burn injury. It is designed to work with your other treatments to help you decrease your pain and get back to the life you want.

  • Burn pain is not a simple problem. It can affect your body, your mind, and your activity. Pain complicates recovery and can make life difficult.
  • This is where Take Charge comes in. In this program, you will work through a series of lessons on the computer and, with help from your health care team, develop a pain management plan that best meets your needs.
  • Take Charge recognizes that YOU play an important role in your recovery. You, working with your health care providers can do a lot to decrease your pain, increase your activity, and improve your quality of life. Take Charge uses techniques that have been scientifically proven to decrease pain and increase your level of activity.
  • Take Charge is not a substitute for medical care, rehabilitation therapy or individual counseling. It is designed to help you work with your healthcare providers and others to prevent pain from controlling your life.

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